Don't be upset

Thank to one of my friends who gave this very touching cartoon. I love it so much because it really means a lot to me although it looks like just pieces of shit. ^^

I jump off from 11th floor

On 10th floor, I saw a happy married couple fighting each other.
On 9th floor, I saw the strong Peter secretly crying.

On 8th floor, I saw Mary's fiance cheating with her friend.
On 7th floor, I saw Dan taking a medicine to reduce her depression.
On 6th floor, I saw a jobless 阿香 reading seven sheets of newspaper a day and looking for a job.
On 5th floor, I saw respectful Mr. Wong secretly wearing his wife's underwear.

On 4th floor, I saw Rose having quarrel with her boyfriend to break up their relationship.
On 3th floor, I saw an old man waiting for someone to visit him everyday.
On 2th floor, I saw Lily looking at the photo of her husband lost last 6 months ago after their marriage.
Before I jumped off, I thought I was the unluckiest person in the world.

I just realize people have the problem that they don't want someone else to know.
After I saw them, I feel my life isn't that bad.
Now people I saw are looking at me.

After they see me, I suppose they might think their lives aren't that bad.

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